Tuesday 23 April 2013

A2 Film - Nine questions regarding the Emotional Response to 'Schindler's List'

These nine questions are designed to get you thinking about how you may have responded during the recent screening of Schindler's List.

Not everyone will respond in exactly the same way, and perhaps your own response may contrast markedly with others in the audience. Equally, you might respond exactly the same as others, depending on your 'take' of the film.

The film can cause wildly differing opinions and this is to be acknowledged within the framework of this particular unit. Many have found the film to be harrowing, sad, tragic and giving way to feelings of anger and helplessness, even guilt; others have found the film to be over-emotional, sentimental, and historically inaccurate. Some see it as Steven Spileberg's masterpiece, others have seen it as a 'Hollywood-ised' version of events.

So, in short, there are no right or wrong answers to these nine questions, but be prepared to back up your points, ideas and thoughts, regardless of your views on the film.

1. Did you feel ‘manipulated’ by the film at any time - such as use of emotional music, acting or visuals? Was this a positive or negative manipulation?
Give examples…

2. How much were you aware of the Holocaust and Oskar Schindler before watching the film? How might this have enhanced or changed your opinion?

3. Were there any particular sequences or moments in the film to which you had an emotional reaction?
Give examples…

4. Did you find anything negative about the presentation of the film? If so, what might this have been?

5. How might this film compare with any others you may have seen about the Holocaust?

6. How did you feel the German characters were represented in the narrative? Were there any specific examples of where this representation could be examined?

7. How far do you feel that Spielberg’s Jewish background helped or perhaps hindered the telling of Schindler’s story?

8. Consider the environment in which you saw the film – how might this have had an
impact on your response to the film?

9. How might the use of black and white film affect the way an audience may respond?

In the blog entry of 21st April there are a selection of sequences from the film…
Analyse at least five of them for cinematic technique – mise en scene,
cinematography, sound and editing – to see how they might impact emotionally

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